The Webster Technique: chiropractic care during pregnancy
This month's blog is all about chiropractic care during pregnancy, creating your birth support team, and why I think a chiropractor should part of that birth support team.
My Favorite Allergen Friendly Recipes
Gluten fee, dairy free, allergen friendly……these terms can make dinner preparation overwhelming, especially if you're trying to incorporate these foods for your kids and family! I’m happy to share my favorite allergen friendly recipes that my whole family has enjoyed :)
Exercise and Breastfeeding. Tips for athlete moms who breastfeed
Let’s talk about breastfeeding for mom athletes! Yes you can do both successfully, and I’m happy to share my experience and offer some tips to help you along your journey.
Building a LIFESTYLE
Using your definitions of health and balance to help build a chiropractic lifestyle.
Pillars of HEALTH
If you don’t invest in your health or the health of your family, no one else will. So how do you define health as it pertains to you and your family?
Being graceful with yourself and knowing that balance doesn’t have to mean 50/50.
Why am I a Chiropractor? Part 3: From CDC Scientist to Chiropractor - changing my definition of health
Did you know, I haven’t always been a chiropractor?
Why am I a Chiropractor? Part 2: Kids and Chiropractic
Did you know that kids can be adjusted? And did you know that those adjustments can make a huge impact on their health and wellness?
Why am I a Chiropractor? Part 1: Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
How being adjusted during pregnancy helped me have the birth I wanted and led me to becoming a chiropractor.
Have an Attitude of Gratitude
How counting your blessings and regular chiropractic care can help you manage stress better.
What's in a name?
I’ve been asked quite a bit recently about how I came up with the name Sunrise Chiropractic and Wellness, and the simple answer is